Dettaglio docente

Giovedì 16-17

Carriera studentesca

Dottorato di Ricerca in Psicologia, Università di  Pavia, 1993.

Diploma in Psicologia, Università di Milano, 1989 (70 cum laude).

M.Sc. in Experimental Psychology, University of Sussex, 1989.

Laurea in Filosofia, Università di Milano,  1985.


Carriera lavorativa

Nov. 2007        Professore Ordinario in Psicologia /M-PS01  (Università di Pavia)

Dec. 2002          Professor in Psychology (University of Essex)

2000-2002          Reader in Psychology (University of Essex)

1998- 2000        Senior Lecturer in Psychology (University of Essex)

1993-1998 Lectureship in Psychology (Department of Psychology, University of Essex). 

Libri (2):

R. Russo (2003) Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences: An Introduction. Psychology Press, London.

M. J. Roberts and R. Russo (1999) A Student's Guide to Analysis of Variance. Routledge, London.


Articoli su riviste scientifiche internazionali (49):

D. Wallace, S. Eltiti, A. Ridgewell, K. Gardner,  R. Russo, F. Sepulveda, S. Walker, T. Quinlan, S. Dudley, S Maung, R. Deeble and E. Fox (2012). Cognitive and physiological responses in humans exposed to a TETRA base station signal in relation to perceived electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Bioelectromagnetics 33,23-39.

Puzzo, I., Cooper, N.R., Cantarella, S., Russo, R. (2011). Measuring the effects of manipulating stimulus presentation time on sensorimotor alpha and low beta reactivity during hand movement observation. NeuroImage 57, 1358-63 

Puzzo, I., Cooper, N.R., Vetter, P., Russo, R. (2010). EEG activation differences in the pre-motor and supplementary motor area between normal individuals with high and low traits of autism. Brain Research, 1342,  104 –110.

D. Wallace, S. Eltiti, A. Ridgewell, K. Gardner,  R. Russo, F. Sepulveda, S. Walker, T. Quinlan, S. Dudley, S Maung, R. Deeble and E. Fox (2010). Do TETRA (Airwave) Base Station Signals Have a Short-Term Impact on Health and Well-Being? A Randomized Double-Blind Provocation Study. Environmental Health Perspectives, 118, 735–741.

C. Cinel, S. E. Avons, R. Russo (2010) Semantic activation and letter search: blocking or suppression? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 63, 580-594.

Eltiti, S., Wallace, D. Ridgewell, A., Zougkou, K., Russo, R., Sepulveda, F., & Fox, E. (2009). The impact of short-term exposure to mobile phone base stations on cognitive functioning in individuals who report sensitivity to electromagnetic fields and controls. Bioelectromagnetics 30, 556-563.

Puzzo, I., Cooper, N.R., Vetter, P., Russo, R. & Fitzgerald, P.B.  (2009) Reduced cortico-motor facilitation in a normal sample with high traits of autism.  Neuroscience Letters, 467: 2, 173-177

M. A. Defeyter,  R. Russo, P. L. McPartlin (2009). The picture superiority effect in recognition memory: A developmental study using the response signal procedure. Cognitive Development, 24, 265-273.

C. Cinel, R. Russo, E. Fox, and A. Boldini (2009). Letter to the Editor: Reply to Arnetz et al. Psychosomatic Medicine,  71, 115-116.

S. Avons, R. Russo et al. (2009). Associative and repetition priming with the repeated masked prime technique: No priming found. Memory & Cognition, 2009, 37 (1), 100-114

C. Cinel, A. Boldini, E. Fox and R. Russo (2008). Does the use of mobile phones affect human short-term memory or attention? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 22, 1113-1125

C. Cinel, R. Russo,  A. Boldini and E. Fox (2008) Exposure to Mobile Phone Electromagnetic Fields and Subjective Symptoms: A Double Blind Study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 70, 345-348.

S. Eltiti, D. Wallace, A. Ridgewell, K. Zougkou,  R. Russo, F. Sepulveda, D. Mirshekar, P. Rasor, R. Deeble and E. Fox (2007). Does short-term exposure to mobile phone base station signals increase symptoms in individuals who report sensitivity to electromagnetic fields? A double-blind randomized provocation study. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115, 1603-1608.

C Cinel, A. Boldini,  R. Russo and E Fox  (2007) Effects of mobile phone electromagnetic fields on an auditory order threshold task. Bioelectromagnetics, 28(6), 493-6.

A.Boldini, R. Russo, S. Punia, and S.E. Avons. (2007). Reversing the picture superiority effect: A speed-accuracy trade-off study of recognition memory. Memory & Cognition., 35,  113-123.

S. Eltiti, D. Wallace, K. Zougkou,  R. Russo, S. Joseph, P. Rasor and E. Fox (2007) Development and Evaluation of the Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Questionnaire Bioelectromagnetics, 28, 137-151.

R. Russo, D. Whittuck, D. Roberson, K. Dutton, G. Georgiou and E. Fox (2006) On the association between attentional and memory bias for threat-related information in anxious individuals. Memory , 14 (4), 393-399

R. Russo, E. Fox, C. Cinel, A. Boldini, D. Mirshekar, A. Mehta (2006)'Does acute exposure to mobile phones affect cognitive tasks? Bioelectromagnetics, 27 , 215-220.

E. Fox, R. Russo &  G. Georgiou (2006) “Anxiety Modulates the Degree of Attentional Resources Required to Process Emotional Faces" Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 5, 396-404.

G. Georgiou, J. Hayward, R. Russo, K. Dutton, S. Eltiti, and E. Fox (2005) ‘Focusing on Fear: Attentional Disengagement from Emotional Faces’ Visual Cognition, 12, 145-158.

N. Gamboz, & R. Russo (2004). Age Differences in Negative Priming,Episodic Memory and Frontal Lobe Tasks: A Single Inhibitory Deficit?Brain Impairment. 5, 126-137.

A.Boldini, R. Russo and S.E. Avons (2004). One process is not enough! A speed-accuracy trade-off study of recognition memory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 11, 353-361.

N. Mammarella, S.E. Avons, and R. Russo (2004). A short-term perceptual priming account of spacing effects in explicit cued-memory tasks for unfamiliar stimuli. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology,16, 387-402.

R. Russo & N. Grammatopoulu(2003). On the effect of word length and articulatory suppression in short- and long-term memory tasks. Memory & Cognition, 31, 728-737.

N. Mammarella, R. Russo and S.E. Avons (2002). Spacing effects in recognition memory and frequency judgement tasks for unfamiliar faces and non-words. Memory  & Cognition, 30, 1238-1251.

R. Russo, N. Mammarella and S. Avons (2002). Toward a unified account of spacing effects in explicit cued-memory tasks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 28, 819-829.

N. Gamboz, R. Russo, E. Fox (2002). Age differences and the negative priming effect: An updated meta-analysis. Psychology and Aging. 17, 525–531.

E. Fox, R. Russo, and K. Dutton (2002). Attentional bias for threat: evidence for delayed disengagement from emotional faces. Cognition & Emotion, 16, 355-379.

Gamboz, N. & Russo, R. (2002) Evidence for age-related equivalence in the directed forgetting paradigm. Brain and Cognition. 48, 366-371.

R. Russo and N. Mammarella (2002). Spacing effects in recognition memory: When meaning matters. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 14, 49-59.

E. Fox, R. Russo, R. J. Bowles and K. Dutton (2001). Do Threatening Stimuli Draw or Hold Visual Attention in Subclinical Anxiety?Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 130, 681-700.

R. Russo, E. Fox, L. Bellinger, and D.P. Nguyen-Van-Tam (2001). Mood congruent free recall bias in anxiety. Cognition & Emotion, 15, 419-434.

S. Avons, G.D. Ward and R. Russo (2001). The dangers of taking capacity limits too literally. Behavioural and Brain Sciences(commentary), 24, 114-115.

N. Gamboz, R. Russo, E. Fox (2000). Target selection difficulty, negative priming and aging. Psychology & Aging,15 (3), 542-550.

E. Fox, V. Lester, R. Russo, R. J. Bowles , A. Pichler, and K. Dutton (2000). Facial expressions of emotion: Are angry faces detected more efficiently? Cognition & Emotion, 14, 61-92.

R. Russo, G. Ward, H. Geurts & A. Scheres (1999). When unfamiliarity matters: Changing global context between study and test affects recognition memory for unfamiliar stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition., 25, 488-499.

R. Russo, E. Fox, and R. J. Bowles (1999). On the status of implicit memory bias in anxiety. Cognition & Emotion, 13, 435-456.

R.Russo, A. Cullis, and A.J. Parkin (1998).Consequences of violating the assumption of independence in the process dissociation procedure: A word fragment completion study. Memory & Cognition, 26, 617-632.

V. Jenkins,  R. Russo, and A.J. Parkin (1998). Levels of processing and single word priming in amnesic and control subjects. Cortex, 34, 577-588.

R.Russo, A.J. Parkin, S.R. Taylor & J. Wilks (1998). Revising current two-process accounts of spacing effects in memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition., 24, 161-172.

A.Venneri, P. Nichelli, G. Modenesi, M.A. Molinaro, R. Russo, C. Sardini (1997). Impairment in dating and retrieving remote events in early Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 62, 410-413.

R. Russo, N. Patterson, D. Roberson, N. Stevenson, and J. Upward (1996). Emotional value of information and its relevance in the interpretation of homophones in anxiety. Cognition & Emotion., 10, 213-220.

R. Russo & J. Andrade (1995). The directed forgetting effect in word fragment completion: An application of the process dissociation procedure. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 48(A),405-423.

R. Russo , P. Nichelli , M. Gibertoni , & C. Cornia (1995). Developmental trends in implicit and explicit memory: A Picture Completion Study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 59, 566-578.

R. Russo & H. Spinnler (1994). Implicit verbal memory in Alzheimer's Disease. Cortex, 30, 359-375.

Parkin A.J., Russo R. (1993). On the origin of functional differences in recollective experience. Memory,1, 231-237.

Russo R., Parkin A.J. (1993). Age differences in implicit memory: More apparent than real. Memory & Cognition,21, 73-80.

Parkin A.J., Reid T.K., Russo R. (1990). On the differential nature of implicit and explicit memory. Memory & Cognition, 18, 507-514.

Parkin A.J., Russo R. (1990). Implicit and explicit memory and the automatic/effortful distinction. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 2, p. 71-80.

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