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Professore ordinario di psicologia generale presso l’Università di Pavia e membro del Brain Connectivity Center - BCC, IRCCS Fondazione Mondino. Direttore del Dipartimento di Psicologia dal 2002 al 2007 e, da novembre 2007, Presidente del Consiglio didattico in Psicologia. Coordinatore del dottorato di ricerca in Psicologia e Scienze Statistiche e Sanitarie, Scuola di dottorato in Scienze della vita dell'Università di Pavia. Coordinatore nazionale di diversi progetti di ricerca nell'ambito della cecità e della cognizione spaziale e coordinaore di reti di ricerca a livello internazionale. In passato, T.V. ha lavorato presso il Dipartimento di Psicologia dell’Università di Roma “La Sapienza” ed ha ricoperto incarichi di ricerca presso l’Università di Padova, l’University of Aberdeen (UK) e la Brunel University (UK). In ambito internazionale è responsabile italiano del progetto " A life-span perspective on cognitive impairment in low vision: hints for possible rehabilitation strategies" (University of Pavia and Harvard Medical School) e coordinatore italiano del progetto "Music and memory: Individual differences and cognitive models" (Università di Pavia, CNRS Marseille, Ben Gurion University Israel). Local Officer per l’Italia della European Society for Cognitive Psychology. Attualmente T.V. insegna Psicologia cognitiva e Psicologia sperimentale presso i corsi di laurea in Psicologia dell’Università di Pavia. 
L’attività di ricerca si è concentrata nei settori della memoria, della cognizione spaziale, delle differenze individuali e nello studio dei correlati cognitivi e neurofisiologici della generazione ed elaborazione di immagini mentali. T.V. ha pubblicato più di 100 lavori, principalmente a livello internazionale, nell'ambito della psicologia sperimentale (e.g., Journal of experimental Psychology, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Acta Psychologica, Memory), della neuropsicologia (e.g., Neuropsychologia, Cortex, Brain and Cognition), e delle neuroscienze cognitive (e.g., Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex, Neuroimage, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews). T.V. ha pubblicato diverse monografie per alcuni dei più importanti editori internazionali nell'ambito delle scienze cognitive (Cattaneo and Vecchi, Blind Vision: The neuroscience of visual impairment, The MIT Press, Cambridge, US; Cornoldi and Vecchi, Visuo-spatial working memory and individual differences, Taylor and Francis, UK; Vecchi and Bottini, Imagery and Spatial cognition, John Benjamins, The Netherlands). L'attività di ricerca ha ricevuto finanziamenti da Istituzioni quali Wellcome Trust, Unione Europea, Ministero Affari Esteri, MIUR, Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia, Fondazione Cariplo.



Spatial cognition

Musical Cognition



Cornoldi, C., & Vecchi, T. (2003). Visuo-spatial working memory and individual differences. Psychology Press: Hove and New York, UK/USA (pp. 170).

Vecchi, T. & Cornoldi, C. (Eds.) (2004). Imagery and cognition. Special section of the journal Imagination, Cognition and Personality, vol.23, issues 2 & 3. Baywood Publishing CO.: USA

Cattaneo, Z. & Vecchi, T., (2006). Psicologia delle differenze sessuali. Carocci Editore: Roma (pp. 110).

Vecchi, T. & Bottini, G. (Eds.) (2006). Imagery and spatial cognition: Methods, models and clinical assessment. John Benjamins Publishers: Amsterdam and Philadelphia, The Netherlands/USA (pp. 435)

Schön, D., Akiva-Kabiri, L., & Vecchi, T. (2007). Psicologia della musica. Carocci Editore: Roma (pp. 126).

Cattaneo, Z. & Vecchi, T. (2011). Blind Vision. MIT Press: Boston , MA, USA


Pubblicazioni su libri e riviste internazionali

Vecchi, T., Monticelli, M., & Cornoldi, C. (1995). Visuo-spatial working memory: structures and variables affecting a capacity measures. Neuropsychologia, 33, 1549-1564 (contributo apparso anche in M. Behrmann, S.M. Kosslyn & M. Jeannerod (Eds.), The neuropsychology of mental imagery, Oxford University Press: Oxford).

Mazzoni, G., Cornoldi, C., Tomat, L., & Vecchi, T. (1997). Remembering the grocery shopping list: biases in metacognitive judgement. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 11, 253-267.

Vecchi, T. (1998). Visuo-spatial imagery in congenitally totally blind people. Memory,6, 91-102.

Luzzatti, C., Vecchi, T., Agazzi, D., Cesa-Bianchi, M., & Vergani, C. (1998). A neurological dissociation between preserved visual and impaired spatial processing in mental imagery. Cortex, 34, 461-469.

Vecchi, T., & Girelli, L. (1998). Gender differences in visuo-spatial processing: The importance of distinguishing between passive storage and active manipulation. Acta Psychologica, 99, 1-16.

Girelli, L., Luzzatti, C., Annoni, G., & Vecchi, T. (1999). Progressive decline of numerical skills in Alzheimer type dementia: A case study. Brain and Cognition, 40, 132-136.

Vecchi, T. (1999). Perception, imagery and memory processes. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive, 18, 586-592.

Vecchi, T., Albertin, L., & Cornoldi, C. (1999). The relationship between self assessment of everyday spatial memory and performance on memory tasks in old age. Clinical Gerontologist, 20, 57-66.

Vecchi, T., & Cornoldi, C. (1999). Passive storage and active manipulation in visuo-spatial working memory: Further evidence from the study of age differences. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 11, 391-406.

Vecchi, T., Saveriano, V., & Paciaroni, L. (1998/1999). Storage and processing working memory functions in Alzheimer-type dementia. Behavioural Neurology, 11, 227-231.

Vecchi, T., & Richardson, J.T.E. (2000). Active processing in visuo-spatial working memory. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive, 19, 3-32.

Cornoldi, C., & Vecchi, T. (2000). Mental imagery in blind people: The role of passive and active visuo-spatial processes. In M. Heller (Ed.), Touch, representation, and blindness, pp.143-181. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Cornoldi, C., Rigoni, F., Venneri, A., & Vecchi, T. (2000). Passive and active visuo-spatial memory: Double dissociation in developmental learning disabilities. Brain and Cognition, 43, 117-120

Cornoldi, C., & Vecchi, T. (2000). Cécité précoce et images mentales spatiales. In Y. Hatwell, A. Streri & E. Gentaz (Eds.), Toucher pour connaître: Psychologie cognitive de la perception tactile manuelle, pp. 175-189. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris.

Vecchi T., Phillips, L.H., & Cornoldi, C. (2001). Individual differences in visuo-spatial working memory: The effects of age, gender and blindness. In M. Denis, C. Cornoldi, R.H. Logie, De Vega, M. & Engelkamp, J. (Eds.), Imagery, language and visuo-spatial thinking, pp.29-58. Psychology Press, Hove.

Vecchi, T. (2001). Visuo-spatial processing in congenitally blind people: Is there a gender-related preference?Personality and Individual Differences, 30, 1361-1370.

Cornoldi, C., & Marconi, F., & Vecchi T. (2001). Visuospatial working memory in Turner's syndrome.Brain & Cognition, 46, 90-94.

Vecchi, T., & Richardson, J.T.E. (2001). Measures of visuospatial short-term memory: The Knox Cube Imitation Test and the Corsi Blocks Test compared. Brain & Cognition. 46, 291-295.

Fastame, M.C., Cavallini, E., & Vecchi, T. (2002). The evaluation of processing functions in working memory. In S. Shohov (Ed.), Advances in psychology research, vol. IX, pp. 3-27. Nova Science Publishers: New York.

Richardson, J.T.E., & Vecchi, T. (2002). A jigsaw-puzzle imagery task for assessing active visuospatial processes in old and young people. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 34, 69-82.

Cavallini, E., Fastame, M.C., Cattaneo, Z., Palladino P., & Vecchi T. (2002). Theoretical and practical aspects of working memory. . In S. Shohov (Ed.), Perspectives in cognitive psychology, pp. 69-91. Nova Science Publishers: New York.

Cavallini, E., Pagnin, A., & Vecchi, T. (2002). The rehabilitation of memory in old age: Effects of mnemonics and metacognition in strategic training. Clinical Gerontologist, 26, 125-141.

Cavallini, E., Pagnin, A., & Vecchi, T. (2003). Aging and everyday memory: The beneficial effect of memory training. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 37, 241-257.

Palladino, P, Mammarella, N., & Vecchi, T. (2003). Modality-specific effects in inhibitory mechanisms: The interaction of peripheral and central components in working memory. Brain and Cognition, 53, 263-267.

Cornoldi, C., Fastame, M.C., & Vecchi, T. (2003). Congenital blindness and spatial mental imagery. In Y. Hatwell, A. Streri & E. Gentaz (Eds.), Touching for knowing, pp. 173-187. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam-Philadelphia.

Bosco, A., Longoni, A.M., & Vecchi, T. (2004). Gender effects in spatial orientation: cognitive profiles and mental strategies . Applied Cognitive Psychology, 18, 519-532.

Cavallini, E., Fastame, M.C., Palladino, P., Rossi, S., & Vecchi, T. (2004). Visuo-spatial span and cognitive functions: A theoretical analysis of the “Corsi” task. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 23, 217-224.

Vecchi, T., Tinti, C., & Cornoldi, C. (2004) Spatial memory and integration processes in congenital blindness. NeuroReport, 15, 2787-2790

Vecchi, T., Richardson, J.T.E., & Cavallini, E. (2005). Passive storage versus active processing in working memory: Evidence from age-related variations in performance. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 17, 521-539.

Pietrini, P., Ricciardi, E., Gentili, C., Bonino, D., Vanello, N., Sani, L., Danti, S., Guazzelli, M., Bicchi, A., Vecchi, T., & Haxby, J.V. (2005). Oltre le immagini sensoriali: la rappresentazione degli oggetti nella via visiva ventrale. Neurological Sciences, 26:S81–S83.

Cattaneo, Z., Postma, A., & Vecchi T. (2006). Gender Differences in Memory for Object and Word locations: The Role of Stimulus Transformations.Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59, 904-919.

Cattaneo, Z., Fastame, M.C., Cornoldi, C., & Vecchi, T. (2006). Working memory, imagery and visuo-spatial mechanisms. In T. Vecchi & G. Bottini (Eds.), Imagery and spatial cognition: Methods, models and clinical assessment, 101-137. John Benjamins Publishers: Amsterdam and Philadelphia, The Netherlands/USA

Logie, R.H. & Vecchi, T. (2006). Motor components in visuo-spatial processes. In T. Vecchi & G. Bottini (Eds.), Imagery and spatial cognition: Methods, models and clinical assessment, pp. 173-184. John Benjamins Publishers: Amsterdam and Philadelphia, The Netherlands/USA

Cavallini, E., & Vecchi, T. (2006). Visuo-spatial working memory and aging. In T. Vecchi & G. Bottini (Eds.), Imagery and spatial cognition: Methods, models and clinical assessment, 187-201. John Benjamins Publishers: Amsterdam and Philadelphia, The Netherlands/USA

Ricciardi, E., Bonino, D., Gentili, C., Sani, L., Pietrini, P., & Vecchi, T. (2006). Neural correlates of spatial working memory: A fMRI study comparing visual and tactile processes. Neuroscience, 139, 339-349.

Vecchi, T., Cattaneo, Z., Monegato, M., Pece, A., Cornoldi, C., & Pietrini P. (2006). Why Cyclops could not compete with Ulysses: monocular vision and mental images. NeuroReport, 17, 723-726.

Basso, D., Vecchi, T., Akiva-Kabiri, L., Baschenis, I., Boggiani, E., & Bisiacchi, P.S. (2006).Handedness effects on Interhemispheric Transfer Time: A TMS study. Brain Research Bulletin, 70, 228-232.

Cattaneo, Z., Vecchi, T., Monegato, M., Pece, A., & Cornoldi, C. (2007). Effects of late visual impairment on mental representations activated by visual and tactile stimuli. Brain Research, 1148, 170-176.

Dunlosky, J., Cavallini, E., Roth, H., McGuire, C.L., Hertzog, C., & Vecchi, T. (2007). Do Self-Monitoring Interventions Improve Older Adults’ Learning? Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 62B, Special Issue 1, 70-76

Monegato, M., Cattaneo, Z., Pece, A., & Vecchi, T., (2007). Comparing the effects of congenital and late visual impairments on visuospatial mental abilities. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 101, 278-295

Cattaneo, Z., Postma, A., & Vecchi, T. (2007). The picture superiority effect in working memory for spatial and temporal order. Psychologia, 50, 102-109

Cattaneo, Z., Rosen, M., Vecchi, T., & Pelz, J.B. (2008) Monitoring eye movements to investigate the picture superiority effect in spatial memory. Perception, 37, 34-49

Cattaneo, Z., & Vecchi, T. (2008). Supramodality effects in visual and haptic spatial processes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory ad Cognition, 34, 631-642

Bottiroli, S., Cavallini, E., & Vecchi, T. (2008). Long-term effects of memory training in the elderly: A longitudinal study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 47, 277-289.

Cattaneo, Z., Vecchi, T., Cornoldi, C., Mammarella, I., Bonino, D., Ricciardi, E., & Pietrini, P., (2008). Imagery and spatial processes in visual impairment. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 32, 1346-1360

Cattaneo, Z., Bhatt, E., Merabet, L., Pece, A., & Vecchi T. (2008). The influence of reduced visual acuity on age-related decline in spatial working memory: an investigation. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 15, 687-702.

Cattaneo, Z., Bhatt, E., Merabet, L & Vecchi T. (2008). Effects of complete monocular deprivation in visuo-spatial memory. Brain Research Bulletin, 77, 112-116

Cattaneo, Z., Rota, F., Vecchi, T., & Silvanto, J. (2008). Using state-dependency of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to investigate letter selectivity in the left posterior parietal cortex: a comparison of TMS-priming and TMS-adaptation paradigms. European Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 1924-1929.

Bonino D., Ricciardi E, Sani L, Gentili C, Vanello N, Guazzelli M, Vecchi T, Pietrini P. (2008). Tactile Spatial Working Memory Activates the Dorsal Extrastriate Cortical Pathway in Congenitally Blind Individuals. Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 146, 133-148

Cavallini, E., Cornoldi, C., & Vecchi, T. (2009). The effects of age and professional expertise on working memory performance. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23, 382-395.

Cattaneo, Z., Devlin, J.T., Vecchi, T., & Silvanto, J. (2009). Dissociable neural representations of grammatical gender in Broca's area investigated by the combination of satiation and TMS.Neuroimage, 47, 700-704

Akiva-Kabiri, L., Vecchi, T., Granot, R., Basso, D., & Schon, D. (2009). Memory for tonal pitches: A “music length-effect” hypothesis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1169, 266-269

Boso, M., Gosselin, N., Comelli, M., Vecchi, T., Barale, F., Peretz, I., Politi, P. (2009). Exploring musical taste in severe autistic subjects. Preliminary data. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1169, 332-335.

Ricciardi, E. Bonino, D., Sani L., Vecchi, T., Guazzelli M., Haxby J.V., Fadiga L., Pietrini P. (2009). Do we really need vision? How blind people “see” the actions of others. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 9719-9724

Salillas, E., Basso, D., Baldi, M., Semenza, C. & Vecchi, T. (2009). Motion on numbers: Transcranial magnetic stimulaton on VIPS alters both numerical and motion processes. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21, 2129-2138

Cattaneo, Z., Rota, F., Walsh, V., Vecchi, T., & Silvanto, J. (2009). TMS-Adaptation Reveals Abstract Letter Selectivity in the Left Posterior Parietal Cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 19, 2321-2325

Cattaneo, Z, Vecchi, T., Pascual-Leone, A. Silvanto, J. (2009) Contrasting early visual cortical activation states involved in visual imagery and short-term memory. European Journal of Neuroscience, 30, 1393-1400

Cavallini E., Dunlosky J., Bottiroli S., Hertzog C., Vecchi T. (2010). Promoting transfer in memory training for older adults. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 22, 314-323.

Cattaneo, Z., Devlin, J.T., Salvini, F., Vecchi, T., & Silvanto, J. (2010). The causal role of category-specific neuronal representations in the left ventral premotor cortex (PMv) in semantic processing.Neuroimage, 49, 2728-2734

Cattaneo, Z., Fantino, M., Tinti, C., Silvanto, J. & Vecchi, T. (2010). Crossmodal interaction between the mental number line and peripersonal haptic space in sighted and blind individuals. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, 72, 885-890

Cattaneo, Z., Fantino, M., Silvanto, J., Tinti, C., Pascual-Leone, A., Vecchi T. (2010). Simmetry perception in the blind. Acta Psychologica, 134, 398-402

Ricciardi, E.,  Basso, D., Sani, L. Bonino, D., Vecchi, T., Pietrini, P., & Miniussi, C. (2011). Functional inhibition of the human middle temporal cortex affects non-visual motion perception: a repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation study during tactile speed discrimination. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 236, 138-144

Cattaneo, Z., Fantino, M., Silvanto, J., Vallar, G., & Vecchi, T. (2011). Tapping effects on numerical bisection. Experimental Brain Research, 208, 21-28

Cattaneo, Z., Fantino, M., Tinti, C., Pascual-Leone, A., Silvanto, J., Vecchi T. (2011). Spatial biases in peripersonal space in sighted and blind individuals revealed by a haptic line bisection paradigm.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 37, 1110-1121

Renzi, C., Vecchi, T., Silvanto, J., & Cattaneo, Z. (2011). Overlapping representations of numerical magnitude and motion direction in the posterior parietal cortex: A TMS-adaptation study. Neuroscience Letters, 490, 145-149

Cattaneo, Z., Fantino, M., Silvanto, J., Tinti, C., & Vecchi, T. (2011). Blind individuals show pseudoneglect in bisecting numerical intervals, Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, 73, 1021-1028

Salillas, E., Semenza, C., Basso, D., Vecchi, T., & Siegal, M. (2012). Single pulse TMS induced disruption to right and left parietal cortex on addition and multiplication. Neuroimage, 59, 3159-3165

C. Renzi, Z. Cattaneo, T. Vecchi, C. Cornoldi (in press) Mental imagery and blindness. In S. Lacey & R. Lawson (Eds.), Multisensory imagery. Springer, Philadelphia

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