Università degli Studi di Pavia Dipartimento del Sistema Nervoso e del Comportamento SEZIONE DI PSICOLOGIA Piazza Botta n° 11 - 27100 Pavia Newsletter 2667 |
L'esperimento si svolgerà nel Laboratorio di Neuroscienze Cognitive IUSS-Maugeri, presso l'IRCCS ICS Maugeri in via Salvatore Maugeri 10. Per la partecipazione verranno assegnati 1/2 CFU.
Si invitano gli studenti interessati a segnalare la loro disponibilità, contattando il prof. Nicola Canessa all'indirizzo cognitive.
We are looking for male volunteers aged between 18 and 40 years for an experiment with transcranial electrical stimulation and cognitive tests, with an expected time commitment of about 2-2.5 hours divided into 3 distinct experimental sessions separated by a few days. Transcranial electrical stimulation is generally painless and free of side effects, except for a possible temporary reddening of the skin under the stimulation site. However, for precautionary reasons, family history of epilepsy, heart disease, metal plates, pacemakers or severe migraine are exclusion criteria.
The experiment will take place in the Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience IUSS-Maugeri, at the IRCCS ICS Maugeri in via Salvatore Maugeri 10. 1/2 CFU will be assigned for participation.
Interested students are invited to indicate their availability by contacting Prof. Nicola Canessa at cognitive.neuroscience@
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